Rowland Institute Library Blog

Friday, June 20, 2003

ISI annouces rankings of "highest impact journals of the decade"; eleven disciplines (incl. chemistry, physics and molecular biology) are represented. (Source; the ResourceShelf)

British Researchers Get to Publish in 90 Online Medical Journals Free Britain's Joint Information Services Committee paid up to fifteen months' worth of fees in advance so that scientists could publish in the BioMedNet Central network of journals. Typically, BMC charges $500 publication cost per paper; the journals are open access and archived in PubMedCentral. (Source: Chronicle of Higher Education Daily Update)

Thursday, June 19, 2003

Annoucement of a new biomedical research center involving a collaboration between Harvard, MIT and Whitehead. (Source: Harvard in the News) See the press release from Whitehead.

An article in the Scientist about the University of California's digital repository; also includes commentary from Harold Varmus and others stating that repositories will not replace journals, which are the primary vehicle and record of scholarly communication. (Source: ResourceShelf via the Virtual Chase)

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

the y chromosome Nature cover story